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M.A. Advisees​​

  1. 呉璇歆 Xuanxin WU, 2021-2022
    Factors affecting difficulty in the production of Standard Chinese neutral tones, 2023
    (Co-supervised with Dr. Yamamoto)

  2.  張栩 Xu ZHANG, 2021-2022
    日本語複合動詞におけるV2 の補助動詞化と結合制約について―「V+あげる」と「V+きる」を中心に―, 2023
    (Co-supervised with Dr. Yumoto)


  3. 永野大夏, 2022-2024
    Locality Constraints on Allomorphy: Japanese Verbal Morphology in the Causative-Inchoative Alternation
    (Co-supervise with Dr. Ochi)


  4. 宮崎真奈, 2022-2024
    Conditions Licensing “-o” Marked Objects in Japanese and Their Implications, 2024
    (Co-supervised with Dr. Miyamoto)


  5. 喬伊, 2023-2024
    構文文法の観点からみる現代日本語の[V に V]構文―ネットワーク構造と使用条件を中心に, 2024
    (Co-supervised with Dr. Hayase)


  6. 笠井源, 2023-2025
    Extraction From Silence and Labeling-Based Anti-Locality, 2025

    (Co-supervise with Dr. Ochi)

  7. 曹鑫鑫, 2023-2025
    日本語と中国語の破裂音と摩擦音に対する中国語母語話者の知覚: VOTの観点から
    (Co-supervised with Dr. Iwai/Dr. Giriko)

  8. 薛曄梓, 2024-2025
    (Co-supervised with Dr. Nakamata)


Ph.D. Advisees​​

  1. 張栩, 2022-2025
    (Co-supervised with Dr. Miyamoto)

  2. 岡田千佳, 2023-2025
    (Co-supervised with Dr. Miyamoto)

  3. 永野大夏, 2024-2025
    (Co-supervise with Dr. Ochi)

  4.  梅野真実, 2024-2025
    (Co-supervise with Dr. Yamamoto)


Research students

  1.     Riya Somaiya Akter, 2024-2025


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