第4回 統計実践ワークショップ

◆ 日程
2024年 8月9日(金)
16:00~18:30 (終了後、懇親会を予定)
◆ 開催場所
大阪大学 大学院
人文学研究科 言語文化学専攻 A棟2F 大会議室
◆ 参加申し込み
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◆ 趣旨説明
16:00 趣旨説明(司会:山田彬尭)
◆ ゲストスピーカーによるご講演
16:05 - 16:55 サムットプラディット・サイサワット先生
大阪大学 大学院経済学研究科
タイトル:Surviving loss:
How Spousal Death affects Households in Thailand
16:55 - 17:15 参加者交流
17:20 - 18:10 狩野 裕先生
同志社大学 文化情報学部
18:10 - 18:30 参加者交流
要旨:This study investigates the impact of death in a household in suburban and rural areas of Thailand, in contrast to literature that often focuses on more developed societies with complete public insurance coverage. Relying on the assumption that the timing of death is random in old age, we implemented a staggered event study design and examined how households adapted to the loss of the head or the spouse of the head. After the death of their husbands, widows took over the household business, receiving support from children and relatives who moved in to assist. In contrast, widowers withdrew from the labor force after the death of their wives. Widow households also experienced a rise in gift income in the first year after death. However, there was no evidence of an increase in public transfers, suggesting that the main adjustment channels were through family and community support rather than public authorities.