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  1. Yamada, Akitaka (2019) The syntax, semantics and pragmatics of Japanese addressee-honorific markers. Doctoral Thesis. Georgetown University. [link]

  2. Yamada, Akitaka (2013) Subjective Expressions in Discourse. Master’s Thesis. The University of Tokyo.


    Book chapters (Peer-reviewed)

  3. 山田彬尭 (to appear)「相関分析」『人文学系学生のためのはじめての量的・質的研究』(編)西田理恵子・秦かおり
    Yamada, Akitaka (to appear) Sookan bunseki [Correlation Analysis].  

  4. 山田彬尭 (2024, Oct)『Vすることを始める』の持つ『習慣性』:統計モデリングを用いた容認度判断の検証」『レキシコンと意味・統語の相互作用』(編)岸本秀樹・日高俊夫・工藤和也、東京:開拓社.
    Yamada, Akitaka (2024, to appear) "V suru koto o hazimeru" no motu "syuukansei": tookei moderingu o motiita yoonindo handan no kensyo [The Habituality of "V suru koto o hazimeru": Validation of acceptability judgments using statistical modeling].

  5. Yamada, Akitaka (2023) Honorificity. In The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Morphology, Volume 2,  ed. by Peter Ackema, Sabrina Bendjaballah, Eulàlia Bonet, and Antonio Fábregas, 919-969. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell [manuscript]

  6. Yamada, Akitaka (2022) 'Chapter 8 Statistical Methods for Experimental Pragmatics.' In Key Concepts of Experimental Pragmatics, ed. by Yoichi Miyamoto, Masatoshi Koizumi, Hajime Ono, Kazuko Yatsushiro, and Uli Sauerland, 173-186. Tokyo: Kaitakusya. [amazon] 

    Book translations


  7. Hilpert, Martin (2024, sep) 『構文理論ー基礎から応用へ』(訳:大堀 壽夫, 貝森 有祐, 岩井 恵利奈, 山田 彬尭). 東京:開拓社.
    Hilpert, Martin (2024, sep) Koobun Riron: kiso kara ooyoo e [Construction Grammar and its application to English]. (Translated by Toshio Ohori, Yusuke Kaimori, Erina Iwai and  Akitaka Yamada) , Tokyo: Kaitakusha.

    Journal Articles (Peer-reviewed)

  8. Yamada, Akitaka (2023) Looking for default vocabulary insertion rules: Diachronic morphosyntax of the Japanese addressee-honorification system. Glossa: a journal of general linguistics  8(1), 1-47  [link] 

  9. Kaur, Gurmeet and Akitaka Yamada (2022) Honorific (mis)matches in allocutive languages with a focus on Japanese. Glossa: a journal of general linguistics 7(1). pp. 1–38. DOI: [link]

  10. Yamada, Akitaka (2021) Dissertation Abstract: The syntax, semantics, and pragmatics of Japanese addressee-honorific markers. Künstliche Intelligenz 35, 385-389. [preprint] DOI:

  11. Yamada, Akitaka (2019) A quantitative approach to addressee-honorific markers: Identification of crucial independent variables and prototypes. Mathematical Linguistics 32 (2), 117-132. [link]


    Department Bulletin Papers

  12. Yamada, Akitaka (2024). Historical change of the honorific negative imperative from “tekudasaruna” to “naidekudasai" [尊敬否定命令文「…てくださるな」から「…ないでください」への歴史変化] A Theoretical Approach to Natural Languages, 11-20.  [link]

  13. Yamada, Akitaka (2023). "Desu" no bunrui: Elsewhere form tosite no teineigo  [「です」の分類 Elsewhere formとしての丁寧語 (Classification of the uses of des: the elsewhere addressee-honorific form)]. A Theoretical Approach to Natural Languages, 59-68. [link]

  14. Yamada, Akitaka (2022). I keiyoosi bun niokeru teineigo siyoo no rekisitekihenka: zyootai kuukan moderu o motiita zikeiretubunseki [イ形容詞文における丁寧語使用の歴史的変化 : 状態空間モデルを用いた時系列分析 (The historical change in the use of addressee-honorific markers in a canonical adjective construction: a time series analysis using the State Space model)]. A Theoretical Approach to Natural Languages, 42-51. [link]

  15. Yamada, Akitaka (2021)Edoki kara showa ki nikakete no sonkeigo no barieesyon: takoo kongoo kooka rozisutikku kaiki niyoru beizu tookeigakuteki apurooti [江戸期から昭和期にかけての尊敬語のバリエーション : 多項混合効果ロジスティック回帰によるベイズ統計学的アプローチ (The variation among the subject-honorific constructions from the Edo period to the Showa period: A Bayesian approach using multinomial mixed-effects logistic regressions)], 5-25. [link]

  16. Yamada, Akitaka (2014).  Zyookensetu No Toogobunseki: Nihongo No Zirei Ni Motoduku Keturakusetu To Idoosetu No Hikaku [Syntactic Analysis on Conditional Clauses: Comparison between Truncation Approach and Movement Approach on the basis of Japanese Conditionals], Language and Information Sciences [Gengozyoohookagaku], Vol. 12, 37-53. (条件節の統語論:日本語の事例に基づく欠落説と移動説の比較) [pdf]


    Invited Talks


  17. Yamada, Akitaka (2024) Interaction between 2P pronouns and honorific allocutivity: a comparison between Japanese and Punjabi.  Invited Talk for the Monthly Colloquium, The Society of Modern Grammar, Jan 13 , Taegu, Korea.

  18. Yamada, Akitaka (2021) What academic skills do students need to succeed in college and beyond? [daigaku, sosite daigaku sotugyoogo ni habatakutameniwa donoyouna akademikku sukiru ga hituyoo ka] Invited Talk at the workshop for Faculty Development, March 25, Osaka Univeristy. 

  19. Yamada, Akitaka (2020) Nihongo-no keigo-wa nani-ga ittai tokubetu nanoka? [What is so special about Japanese honorifics?] Invited talk at Ritsumeikan University Round Table on Practical and Theoretical Linguistics. Nov 30. Ritsumeikan University.

  20. Ikawa, Shiori and Akitaka Yamada (2020) A Hybrid Approach to Honorific Agreement a Sprouted Valued Feature and an Unvalued Probing Feature. Invited Talk at LCCC summer special. Aug 17, Osaka University (Online).

  21. Yamada, Akitaka (2020) Kyoogoosuru sonkeigo koobun to hatuwakooi no wariate [Competing subject-honorific constructions and speech act assignments]. Invited Talk at LCCC summer special. Aug 17, Osaka University (Online).


    Conference presentations (Peer-reviewed)

    ----------------------------------------------------------------- 2024 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


  22. 山田彬尭 (2024, Nov, to appear) 「日本語丁寧語構文の交替における L1/2 学習者の相違点について」、日本言語学会第167回大会. 11月9日-10日. 北海道大学.

  23. Mizuno, Teruyuki, Eri Tanaka, Akitaka Yamada and Muyi Yang (2024, Oct, to appear). Specificity triggered by naming restrictions in Japanese. JK31, Oct 30 - Nov 2, , Monash University in Melbourne, Australia. 

  24. Yamada, Akitaka (2024, Sep) Speech act assignment in Japanese negative imperatives and their historical change: when Dynamic Pragmatics meets Optimality Theory. Sinn und Bedeutung 29, Sep 17-19, University of MESSINA  and the University of Enna "KORE", Italy.

  25. Yamada, Akitaka (2024, Sep) L1/L2 acquisition of Japanese high-applicative expressions. The 25th Conference of the Annual Meeting of the Japanese Cognitive Linguistics Association, Sep 6-8, Kobe University.
    ------ (2025, to appear) L1/L2 acquisition of Japanese high-applicative expressions. Proceedings of JCLA 25[pdf]

  26. Yamada, Akitaka (2024, May). Semantics of reduplication. An oral presentation at the 17th English Linguistic Society of Japan (ELSJ) International Spring Forum to be held on May 25-26, Kyoto University.[Best Conference Award!]

    ----------------------------------------------------------------- 2023 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


  27. Yamada, Akitaka (2023). Teineigo no ruikeeron. The 167th annual meeting of the English Linguistic Society of Japan, Doshisha University, Nov 11-12. [Best Conference Award!]
    [山田彬尭 (2023).「丁寧語の類型論」日本言語学会第167回大会. 11月11日-12日. 同志社大学.]


  28. Yamada, Akitaka (2023). Umekomisetu no muudo to tokoro setu no imiron [The embedded mood and the semantics of the tokoro-clause)]. The 41st annual meeting of the English Linguistic Society of Japan.  [Best Conference Award!] [pptx[handout]
    [山田彬尭 (2023). 「埋め込み節のムードとトコロ節の意味論」日本英語学会第41回大会発表, 2023年11月4日(土)・5日(日)、東京大学.]
    ------ (2024, to appear). 
    Umekomisetu no muudo to tokoro setu no imiron [埋め込み節のムードとトコロ節の意味論 (The embedded mood and the semantics of the tokoro-clause)]. JLES [preprint]

  29. Yamada, Akitaka and Taika Nagano (2023). Not always introducing arguments: the syntax of high-applicative constructions in Japanese. WAFL 17, National University of Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar, Sep 27-29, Mongolia. [pdf] 

  30. Yamada, Akitaka (2023). A modal approach to the Japanese high-applicative expression -temoraw, National University of Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar, Sep 27-29, Mongolia.  [pdf]

  31. Yamada, Akitaka (2023). Nihongo no hitei kako teineikei niokeru hoogenkan no barieesyon [Interdialectal Variation of the Negative Past Polite Form in Japanese (日本語の否定過去丁寧形における方言間のバリエーション)]. Oral presentation, Sep 23. The 67th Annual Conference of Mathmatical Linguistic Society of Japan, Waseda University.
    ------ (2023). Nihongo no hitei kako teineikei niokeru hoogenkan no barieesyon [Interdialectal Variation of the Negative Past Polite Form in Japanese (日本語の否定過去丁寧形における方言間のバリエーション)]. Proceedings of the 67th annual conference of Mathematical Linguistics Society of Japan. [pdf]


  32. Masako Maeda, Shiori Ikawa, Akitaka Yamada and Yoichi Miyamoto (2023). Copular Short Answers and Speech-Act Phrase in Japanese. The 25th Seoul International Conference on Generative Grammar (SICOGG) 25, Aug 14-16, Dongguk University, Seoul. [handout]

  33. Yamada, Akitaka (2023) A Dynamic Generalized Linear Mixed-Effects approach to the constructional alternation among Japanese high-applicative expressions. COMPILA 2023, Aug 4, The University of Tokyo.

  34. Yamada, Akitaka and Taika Nagano (2023). The ‘passivized’ high applicative construction in Japanese. In Nihon Gengogakkai Dai-166-kai Taikai Yokô-shû (Proceedings of the 166th Meeting of the Linguistic Society of Japan). Linguistic Society of Japan, Senshu University. June 17-18. [pdf] 

  35. Yamada, Akitaka (2023). A historical and morphosyntactic analysis of Japanese epistemic markers (dearoo/daroo and -oo). Oral Presentation in the 30th Annual Meeting of Japanese/Korean Linguistics. Simon Fraser University. March 11-13. [slides]
    ------ (2023). A historical and morphosyntactic analysis of Japanese epistemic markers (dearoo/daroo and -oo).  Japanese/Korean Linguistics 30, 335–349. [link]

    --------------------------------------------------------------- 2022 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


  36. Yamada, Akitaka (2022). Historical Pragmatics using Space-State Models. Oral Presentation in the 25th Annual Meeting of Pragmatic Society of Japan. Kyoto University/Online. Nov 26-27.
    ------ (2023) Historical Pragmatics using Space-State Models. Proceedings of the 25th Conference of the Pragmatics Society of Japan, 226-233. [pdf]

  37. Xuanxin Wu and Akitaka Yamada (2022). Acquisition of Standard Chinese Neutral Tone under Variation Theory: A comparison of Beijing Mandarin speakers and Cantonese speakers.  In Nihon Gengogakkai Dai-165-kai Taikai Yokô-shû (Proceedings of the 165th Meeting of the Linguistic Society of Japan). Linguistic Society of Japan, 268-274, Online. Nov 12-13. [pdf]  [BEST CONFERENCE AWARD]

  38. Yamada, Akitaka (2022). Diachronic constructional alternation of high-applicative forms: a Time-Series analysis using a State-Space Model for the choice among sasete itadak, sasete moraw, sasete kudasar, and sasete kure [適用形の通時的構文交替:「させていただく」「させてもらう」「させてくださる」「させてくれる」の選択に対する状態空間モデルを用いた時系列分析] Oral Presentation at the 66rd Meeting of the Mathematical Linguistic Society of Japan. Sep 17, Tokyo, Nihon University. [pdf] [pptx]
    ------ (2022). Diachronic constructional alternation of high-applicative forms: a Time-Series analysis using a State-Space Model for the choice among sasete itadak, sasete moraw, sasete kudasar, and sasete kure [適用形の通時的構文交替:「させていただく」「させてもらう」「させてくださる」「させてくれる」の選択に対する状態空間モデルを用いた時系列分析]. Proceedings of the 66th annual conference of Mathematical Linguistics Society of Japan.  [pdf]

  39. Yamada, Akitaka (2022). Constructionalization of the Japanese addressee-honorification system. The 23rd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Cognitive Linguistics Association.  J. F. Oberlin University. Sep 3-4.
    ----- (2022). Constructionalization of the Japanese addressee-honorification system. In Japanese Cognitive Linguistic Association Conference Handbook 2022, 111-114. [pdf]
    ----- (2023). Constructionalization of the Japanese addressee-honorification system. The Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Cognitive Linguistics Association, 171-180. [pdf]

  40. Yamada, Akitaka (2022). Subject-Honorific Markings in Imperatives : An OT-driven Dynamic Pragmatics. In Nihon Gengogakkai Dai-164-kai Taikai Yokô-shû (Proceedings of the 164th Meeting of the Linguistic Society of Japan). Linguistic Society of Japan, Online. June 18-19. [pdf]

  41. Ikawa, Shiori, Akitaka Yamada, and Yoichi Miyamoto (2022). Japanese Clausal Argument Ellipsis and Embedded Clause Periphery. CLS 58, Apr 22-24.

    -------------------------------------------------------------- 2021 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


  42. Yamada, Akitaka (2021). A Distributed Morphology approach to Japanese phrase-final particles. NELS 52, Online (hosted by Rutgers University), Oct 29-31.
    ------ (2022). A Distributed Morphology approach to Japanese phrase-final particles. In The Proceedings of NELS 52, 255-264. [preprint]

  43. Ikawa, Shiori and Akitaka Yamada (2021). Territory feature and a distributed-morphology approach to clause periphery.  The 29th Japanese/Korean Linguistics Conference, Online (hosted by Nagoya University and the National Institute for Japanese Language and Linguistics), Oct 9-11.
    ------ (2022). Territory Feature and a Distributed Morphology Approach to Clause Periphery. Japanese/Korean Linguistics 29, 319-328 . [link]

  44. Yamada, Akitaka (2021). Typology of subject honorifics.  (尊敬語の類型論). In Nihon Gengogakkai Dai-162-kai Taikai Yokô-shû (Proceedings of the 162th Meeting of the Linguistic Society of Japan). Linguistic Society of Japan, Online. [pdf]

  45. Kaur, Gurmeet and Akitaka Yamada (2021) Variation in honorificity. WCCFL 39. April 8-11.

  46. Kaur, Gurmeet and Akitaka Yamada (2021) Mismatches in honorificity across allocutive languages. Online presentation at LSA 2021 Virtual Annual Meeting, Online, on Jan 8.  [handout]

    ----------------------------------------------------------------- 2020 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


  47. Yamada, Akitaka (2020) Multinomial Mixed-Effects Models and Linguistic Variation: Competitions among Japanese Subject-Honorific Constructions JADH 2020, Online. Nov. 22.
    -------- (2020). In Proceedings of the 10th conference of the Japanese Association of Digital Humanities (JADH 2020) ``a new decade in digital scholarship: microcosms and hubs," 33-37.  [preprint] [pptx] [link]

  48. Yamada, Akitaka and Lucia Donatelli (2020) A Persona-based Analysis of Politeness in Japanese andSpanish. Online presentation at Logic and Engineering of Natural Language Semantics 17 (LENLS17), Online. Nov. 15. [preprint] [slides]
    -------- (2021). In New Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence, JSAI-isAI 2020 Workshops, JURISIN, LENLS 2020 Workshops, Virtual Event, November 15–17, 2020, Revised Selected Papers, 129-144. Cham: Springer.

  49. Ikawa, Shiori and Akitaka Yamada (2020, cancelled). A Hybrid Approach to Honorific Agreement: a Sprouted Valued Feature and an Unvalued Probing Feature. Oral Presentation at the 56th annual meeting of the Chicago Linguistics Society. Chicago, the University of Chicago.  [preprint] [handout]
    ------ (2022). A Hybrid Approach to Honorific Agreement: a Sprouted Valued Feature and an Unvalued Probing Feature. In Proceedings of the Fifty-sixth Annual Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society, 171-186. [preprint]

  50. Hitomi Yanaka, Koji Mineshima, Akitaka Yamada, Yu Yamaguchi, Daisuke Bekki, Yusuke Kubota, Lasha Abzianidze, Johan Bos (2020). Tagengo toogo, imi joohoo koopasu Parallel Meaning Bank Nihongoban no koochiku [Building a Japanese version of Parallel Meaning Bank]. The 26th annual meeting of the Association for Natural Language Processing. March 16-19. Mito, Ibaraki.

    -------------------------------------------------------------- 2019 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


  51. Yamada, Akitaka and Yusuke Kubota (2019). Toward an analysis of "fuzzy" latent semantic concepts: A statistical approach to the variation between no and koto.  (『曖昧』な潜在意味概念の分析にむけて: ノ・コトの間のバリエーションについての統計的アプローチ). In Nihon Gengogakkai Dai-159-kai Taikai Yokô-shû (Proceedings of the 159th Meeting of the Linguistic Society of Japan). Linguistic Society of Japan, Nagoya Gakuin University. [preprint] [pdf]

  52. Yamada, Akitaka (2019). An OT-driven dynamic pragmatics: high-applicatives, subject-honorific markers and imperatives in Japanese. Oral presentation at Logic and Engineering of Natural Language Semantics 16 (LENLS16). Tokyo, Keio University. [preprint]
    ------ (2020). An OT-driven dynamic pragmatics: high-applicatives, subject-honorific markers and imperatives in Japanese. In New Frontiers in artificial intelligence: JSAI-isAI International Workshps, JURISIN, AL-Biz, LENLS, Kansei-AI Yokohama, Japan, November 10-12, 2019 revised selected papers. 354-369. Cham: Springer.

  53. Yamada, Akitaka (2019). Competing subject-honorific constructions with predicates of Yamato origin [Wago kigen no doosi to kyoogoosuru sonkeigo koobun]. Oral Presentation at the 63rd Meeting of the Mathematical Linguistic Society of Japan. Sep 21, Tokyo, National Institute for Japanese language and linguistics. [preprint]

  54. Yamada, Akitaka (2019). Syntax and semantics of aspectual constructions in Japanese: Defective T and habituality. Poster Presentation at GLOW-in-Asia XII & SICOGG 21. August 6-9, Seoul, Dongguk University.
    ------ (2019). In Proceedings of the 12th Generative Linguistics in the Old World and the 21st Seoul International Conference on Generative Grammar 2019. 565-574. [preprint]

  55. Yamada, Akitaka (2019).  Embedded moods in Japanese. Proceedings of the 158th Meeting of the Linguistic Society of Japan, 267-273. June 22-23, Tokyo, Hitotsubashi University. [pdf]

  56. Yamada, Akitaka (2019). Do-support and be-support as defective movements. Oral Presentation at the 55th annual meeting of the Chicago Linguistics Society. May 16-18, Chicago, the University of Chicago.
    ------ (2020). Do-support and be-support as defective movements. In Proceedings of the Fifty-fifth Annual Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society, 435-450. [preprint]

  57. Yamada, Akitaka (2019). Comparisons and speech acts in Japanese exclamatives. Oral Presentation at the English Linguistic Society of Japan (ELSJ) 12the International Spring Forum 2019. May 11-12, Tokyo, University of the Sacred Heart. [BEST CONFERENCE AWARD]

  58. Kaur, Gurmeet and Akitaka Yamada (2019). Embedded allocutivity and its reference. Presented at Person and Perspective: a workshop honoring the work of María Luisa Zubizarreta. May 3-4, Los Angeles, University of Southern California. 3-4 May 2019. [pdf]

    -------------------------------------------------------------- 2018 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


  59. Yamada, Akitaka and Kubota, Yusuke (2018). Revisiting the no/koto distinction: Toward a new semantic classification of the embedding verbs  (ノとコト再考: 主文述語の新たな意味分類に向けて). In Nihon Gengogakkai Dai-157-kai Taikai Yokô-shû (Proceedings of the 157th Meeting of the Linguistic Society of Japan). Linguistic Society of Japan, Kyoto University 2018, 276-281. [pdf]

  60. Yamada, Akitaka (2018). Phase-based prosody: evidence from pitch-accent distribution in the Japanese verbal domain. Oral Presentation at North East Linguistics Society 49, Cornell University 2018. [pdf] 
    ------. (2019). Phase-based prosody: evidence for pitch-accent distribution in the Japanese verbal domain. In Proceedings of NELS 49. 305-318.[preprint]

  61. Yamada, Akitaka (2018). Contiguity Theory and Crystallization: wh-phrases and concord adverbs in Japanese. Oral Presentation at the 7th workshop of Phonological Externalization of Morphosyntactic Structure, Hokkaido University 2018. [abstract] 
    ------. (2019) In Phonological Externalization vol 4. (ed.), Tokizaki, H. Sapporo: Sapporo University, pp. 1-22. [pdf]. [link]

  62. Yamada, Akitaka (2018). Historical developments/variations of Japanese addressee-honorific markers and economy principles. Oral presentation at the workshop of Cross-linguistic variation in the left periphery at the Syntax-Discourse Interface. 2018 SNU International Conference on Linguistics, Seoul National University 2018. [abstract] [pdf]

  63. Yamada, Akitaka (2018). Expressiveness from a Bayesian Perspective. Oral Presentation at the English Linguistic Society of Japan (ELSJ) 11the International Spring Forum 2018. Hokkaido University. 
    ---- (2019). JELS 36, 308-314. [pdf] 

  64. Yamada, Akitaka (2018). A Modal Approach to no-clauses in Japanese. In Nihon Gengogakkai Dai-156-kai Taikai Yokô-shû (Proceedings of the 156th Meeting of the Linguistic Society of Japan). Linguistic Society of Japan, the University of Tokyo 2018,145-150. [pdf] [pptx] [BEST CONFERENCE AWARD]

  65. Yamada, Akitaka (2018)Bayesian update: from semantics/pragmatics to variation theory. Poster presentation at GURT, Washington 2018. [abstract]

    -------------------------------------------------------------- 2017----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


  66. Yamada, Akitaka (2017). A Reflection on the Clustering in Corpus Linguistics. In Nihon Gengogakkai Dai-154-kai Taikai Yokô-shû (Proceedings of the 154th Meeting of the Linguistic Society of Japan). Linguistic Society of Japan, Tokyo Metropolitan University 2017, 58-63. [pdf] [pptx]

  67. Yamada, Akitaka (2017)An Account from the Formal Semantics on the Change from the Polar-interrogative to the Wh-interrogative. Oral Presentation at GURT, Washington 2017. [abstract] [pptx]

    -------------------------------------------------------------- 2014 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


  68. Yamada, Akitaka (2014). "Yokereba" to "yokattara" no koobun kootai --- hutatu no zigen no sanyosya kan'kei to soogokooi [Constructional alternation between "yokereba" and "yokattara" --- Participant relations in two dimensions and their interaction] In Syakai Gengo Gakkai Dai-34-kai Taikai Happyô Ronbunsyû (Proceedings of the 34th Meeting of Japanese Association of Sociolinguistic Sciences), 207-208. (よければ」と「よかったら」の構文交替 --- 二つの次元の参与者関係と相互行為)[pdf]

  69. Yamada, Akitaka (2014).  Comparison between English and Japanese Conditionals. Poster Presentation at the English Linguistic Society of Japan (ELSJ) 7th International Spring Forum 2014, Doshisha University.

    -------------------------------------------------------------- 2013 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


  70. Yamada, Akitaka (2013). Kansyukansei saikoo: nihongo no “sooieba” o keesu sutad’ii ni [Reconsidering intersubjectivity: in the case of “sooieba”] Oral presentation at the 14th meeting of Japanese Cognitive Linguistics Association. At Kyoto University of Foreign Studies, 2013. [abstract]


    Other Talks 

    -------------------------------------------------------------- 2023 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


  71. Yamada, Akitaka (2024). Presentationa at the award ceremony of the Yutaka Miyaji Japanese Language Research Fund: Achievements (Akitaka Yamada) [宮地裕日本語研究基金授賞式 業績紹介(山田彬尭)], July 31 2024, NINJAL, Japan.

  72. Yamada, Akitaka, Eri Tanaka, Teruyuki Mizuno and Muyi Yang (2023) Toward a unified account of Japanese toiu constructions. 言語科学講演会・研究拠点形成事業12月期ワークショップ , Dec 16, Osaka University, Japan.

  73. Masako Maeda, Shiori Ikawa, Akitaka Yamada and Yoichi Miyamoto (2023) A pronominal analysis of Japanese copular short answers. 言語科学講演会・研究拠点形成事業12月期ワークショップ, Dec 17 2023, Osaka University, Japan.

  74. Yamada, Akitaka (2023) Keigo no henka to zyootai kuukan moderu [Language change in honorics and State-Space Model],  The 3rd Workshop on Statistical Practice in Humanties and Social Sciences at Osaka University. Oct 31, Osaka University, Japan [link]

  75. Yamada, Akitaka (2023) 通時的言語研究における統計手法について [Statistical methods in diachronic linguistic research]. 東北大学大学院情報科学研究科「言語変化・変異研究ユニット」主催 第11回ワークショップ(AA研共同利用・共同研究課題理論言語学と言語類型論と計量言語学の対話にもとづく言語変化・変異メカニズムの探求」 2023年度第3回研究会との共催), Sep 23-24. Online.

  76. Yamada, Akitaka (2023) Teeneigo no kenkyu ni miru rirongengogaku, dezitaruhyuumanitiizu, siteki gengo kenkyu no yuugoo [丁寧語の研究に見る理論言語学・デジタルヒューマニティーズ・史的言語研究の融合 (Integration of Theoretical Linguistics, Digital Humanities, and Historical Linguistics in the study of addressee honorifics)] , LC Seminar 2023: Outlook for Linguistic and Cultural Studies, Sep 16, Online.

  77. Yamada, Akitaka (2023) Nihongo no tekiyookei no toogoron, imiron, sosite, bubuntekigooseisei no seiritu [The syntax and semantics of Japansese applicatives and the emergence of the partical compositionality] SPT “Summertime” workshop 2023, Aug 25-26, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo.

  78. Ikawa, Shiori, Akitaka Yamada, and Yoichi Miyamoto (2023) Japanese clausal argument ellipsis and embedded clause periphery. Workshop of The First In-Person Core-to-Core/LeibnizDream International Workshop, March 17-18. University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy. [pdf]

    -------------------------------------------------------------- 2022 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


  79. Yamada, Akitaka (2022)  Teloyookei no tuuziteki koubunkoutai [Diachronic constructional alternation of applicatives]. Talk at Gengobunka Kyodoo Kenkyuu Purozyekuto: Tekusutomainingu to dezitaru huumanitiizu 2022.  Sep 02, 2022, Online

  80. Yamada, Akitaka (2022) Development of Japanese subject-honorifics and speech act assignment from a diachronic perspective. Workshop of Linguistics and Language Philosophy of Speech Acts, March 11. Online. [ ]

  81. Yamada, Akitaka (2022)  The Diachronic Constructional Alternation of Japanese addressee-honorific markers: A Bayesian Time Series Analysis using State-Space Models. Talk at Gengobunka Kyodoo Kenkyuu Purozyekuto: Tekusutomainingu to dezitaru huumanitiizu. 2021.  Feb 04, 2022, Online [pdf].

    -------------------------------------------------------------- 2021 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


  82. Yamada, Akitaka (2021)  Towards the understanding of the variation among subject honorifics. Research presentation day for the linguistic section of the joint study group of The instituite of Statistical Mathematics [Tookeisuurikenkyuuzyo gengokei kyoodoo kenkyuug guruupu kennkyuu happyookai], Language and Statistics 2021 [gengo to tookei 2021] (Seminar Series No. 16) . March 20, 2021, Online [slides] [pdf]

  83. Yamada, Akitaka (2021) Variation among honorific verbal suffixes and their interaction with second-person honorific subjects. Invited Talk at Osaka University/ZAS International Joint Research Promotion Program 1 st Workshop 2021. [slides

  84. Yamada, Akitaka (2021) Honorificity: cross-linguistic diversity and commonality. Invited Talk at ZAS workshop.

    -------------------------------------------------------------- 2018 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  85. Yamada, Akitaka (2018). A phase-oriented pitch contour assignment. Poster presentation at Georgetown University Morphosyntax Workshop (GMOW), Georgetown University 2018

    -------------------------------------------------------------- 2017 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


  86. Yamada, Akitaka (2017). The syntax-semantics interface of the addressee-honorific construction: the multidimensional in-situ analysis vs the copy analysis. Oral Presentation at Mid-Atlantic Colloquium of Studies in Meaning (MACSIM), Georgetown University 2017. [abstract] [pptx]

    -------------------------------------------------------------- 2016 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


  87. Yamada, Akitaka (2016). A Generalized Quantifier Approach to Embedded Interrogative Clauses. Oral Presentation at the 6th Mid-Atlantic Colloquium of Studies in Meaning (MACSIM), The City University of New York 2016. [abstract]

    -------------------------------------------------------------- 2015 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


  88. Yamada, Akitaka (2015). Preference and Reluctance for the Present Perfect. Oral Presentation at the 5th Mid-Atlantic Colloquium of Studies in Meaning (MACSIM), the University of Delaware 2015. [abstract][pptx]

    -------------------------------------------------------------- 2013 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


  89. Yamada, Akitaka (2013) Syntax of Japanese Conditional: In the case of the -ba clause, In Satellite workshop of Japanische Gesellschaft für Germanistik International Workshop at Hokkaido University 2013. [handout] 


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